We know your project doesn't always end with Surfer this webinar will also cover several export options to display your Surfer maps in Google Earth so you can decide what works best to incorporate in your project workflows. This webinar will teach you more way than one to create engaging, presentation ready maps. Files available for Download: If you are using Windows, right-click on the links below and select 'Save As.' Save the file to your hard drive and then drop it into Google Earth or upload it to your GPS unit. My Places shows up to the left of your map. They can be easily converted to other GPS formats using GPSBabel, which is available as a free download here. The exports can be sent to your Google Drive account, to Google Cloud Storage or to a. From exporting aerial imagery so it can be georeferenced and layered with multiple map types to transforming KML data into XYZ points ready for gridding in Surfer. The Google Earth Pro software is available for free download and installation. You can export images, map tiles, tables and video from Earth Engine.

(Googles parent company), the first of them is an online mapping resource that combines satellite photos and other functions of the likes of Street View. Watch this webinar to learn the various ways you can export data from Google Earth for your base maps and leverage it within Surfer. Dont confuse Google Maps with Google Earth: although they both belong to Alphabet, Inc. Presenting professional, high quality maps to your audience can be nearly impossible without the right base map to visualize your data.